Ashish Katta

Chairman of AITA

Aashish Sir

Message by our Chairman

Dear Members,

I would like to highlight the exciting opportunities that lie ahead for trade between Australia and India. As you all know, our two nations have a long-standing relationship built on shared values and a commitment to economic growth and prosperity.

One of the most significant developments in recent times has been the establishment of the Australia-India Free Trade Agreement. This agreement has the potential to unlock enormous opportunities for businesses of all sizes and in all sectors. By reducing barriers to trade and investment, it will enable us to deepen our economic ties and unlock new markets for Australian and Indian businesses.

In addition to the free trade agreement, we are also seeing the emergence of the Quad Protocol, which includes Australia, India, Japan, and the United States. This grouping offers a unique opportunity for businesses to collaborate and innovate across borders, and to explore new opportunities for growth and expansion.

With the world changing rapidly, it is essential that we take advantage of these new opportunities to strengthen our economic relationship with India. Whether you are a large multinational corporation or a small business looking to expand your reach, there are opportunities for everyone.

At the Australia India Trade Association, we are committed to supporting our members in their efforts to grow their businesses and seize these exciting new opportunities. We will continue to work closely with government and industry stakeholders to ensure that our members have the tools and resources they need to succeed in the fast-paced world of international trade.

Thank you for your ongoing support of the Australia India Trade Association, and we look forward to working with you as we build a stronger, more prosperous future for both Australia and India.

Best regards,

Ashish Katta

Australia India Trade Association.